Here are a set of sacred texts authored by a highly evolved being who chooses to stay anonymous. All documents made available here contain sacred verses which are to be solely read for their spiritual richness, depth and for the purpose of gaining awareness and understanding. They are not meant for practice, except under the guidance of a master

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Sukta 18

(rishi : dravinoda , devatha : savitr , chanda : brihati , anustup)

1. nirlakshmyam lalaamyam niraraathim suvaamasi
atha yaa bhadraa na: prajaayaa araathim nayaamasi

2. niraranim savithaa saavishak padaurnirhastayaur-
varunaa mithrau aryamaa
nirasmabhyamanumathee raraanaa premaam devaa asaavishu: saubhagaaya

3. yatha aatmani tanwaam ghoramasthi
yadwaa kaeshaeshu prathichakshanae vaa
sarwam tadvaachaapa hanmau vayam devastwaa savithaa soodayanthu

4. rishyapadeem vrushadatheem gaushaedhaam vidhamaamutha
vileeddyam lalaamyam ta ashmannashayaamasi.

1. The inauspicious symbols that exist on the forehead which are omens, I have
removed them. The omens in the body which cause ill like the enemies are removed
the benevolent symbols are worn for the benefit of my children instead. I am
sending these omens to my enemies.

2. The causative elements for all, the savitr, varuna, aryama, let the symbols of
inauspicious nature against prosperity, bad luck; on them wards off far away.
Let the good intentions and the permissions which bring forth the cause for
everything makes the inability of body to vanish away. The devas also have given
intentions to give him the blessings.

3. Oh purusha, the omens in your body, atma, hair, eyes etc are being removed with
the mantric words of mine. Let the savitr gave me blessings for the same.

4. The woman whose legs resemble that of deer, the teeth that resembles that of bull
, the movement which resembles that of cow, I sent her away. With the power in
the mantra, let her imperfections be pacified. Let the inauspicious symbols on her
forehead also be pacified.