(rishi : chathana , devata : agni , yathudhana , chanda : anushtup , bruhati)
1. upa praagaad devau agnee rakshauhaameevachathana:
dahannapa dwayaavinau yaathudhaanaan kimeedina:
2. prathi daha yaathudhaanaan prathi deva kimeedina:
pratheechee: krishnavarthanae sam daha yaathudhaanya:
3. yaa shashaapa shapanaenam yaakham mooramaadadhae
yaa rasasya haranaaya jaathamaaraebhae thokamathu sa.
4. puthramathu yaathudhaanee: swasaaramutha napthyam
adha midhau vikaeshyau vi khnathaam
yaathudhaanyau vi truhyandaamaraayya:
1. Agnideva is the one who vanquishes the ailments and demons. he comes from
heaven and burns those demons into ashes who create confusions and proceed
towards the man.
2. Oh agni, you burn down to ashes these evil beings who create discord and these
yathudhanas who bring in sufferings. you burn to ashes those demoniacal
feminine evils who brings in unfavourable situations.
3. Oh the feminine evil beings one who do slaying , who utters imposing words, who
creates the impurity of qualities and brings in deformities in offspring, let you
irradicate the folks of my enemies.
4. Let these feminine evil beings consumes the offspring, the sisters and the coming
generations of them. let them be provoked that they fight among themselves and
perish. Let the feminine evil beings also be in discord among themselves and
This is a sukta used for slaying. The alchemy of a slaying sukta is there is a friendly deva for the protection of one who do the spell and the ethereal being who is actually doing the slaying.
The agni is the friendly deva invoked here who is given a task of vanquishing the yathudhanas and is held prepared. Now the real slaying is done by the feminine forms of rakshasas and yathudhanas themselves and they are invoked and finally disposed of by themselves. if the destruction of ethereal beings is not complete , agni will consume the rest.